Hey Fool!

"The Fool", The Medieval Scapini Tarot
“The Fool”, The Medieval Scapini Tarot

I’ve been posting different images of The Hermit from various tarot decks on or around New Years for the last few years, because The Hermit has always reminded me of father time. The movement from one year to the next.

This year though, I think it is more appropriate to post an image of The Fool. This Fool is getting ready for a new journey out into the unknown, with all of his possessions slung over his shoulder, and some weird-ass dog/lion/cat/hybrid/deal-ie-o biting him on the butt and pulling his pants down.

Yep, that seems better and more accurate 🙂

… so long 2016. There were some good things about ya for sure, but overall, you were a mean son-of-a-bitch.

Happy New Year!
